If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give your credit report much thought—that is, until you’re trying to get a loan or credit card and are suddenly denied. If this has happened to you, it’s natural to wonder what’s on your credit report and whether or not there are ways to improve your credit […]
Why Did My Credit Score Drop For No Reason? 9 Likely Explanations Why
If you’ve ever checked your credit score and seen a sudden, unexplained drop, you know how alarming it can be. Your credit score is one of the most important numbers in your life – it determines how much you pay for car insurance, whether you can borrow money, and even where you can live. So […]
3 Ways To Check Your Credit – How Often Should You Check Your Credit Score?
Your credit score is important. It’s a number that potential lenders look at to determine whether or not to extend your credit and, if so, at what terms. A high credit score means you’re a low-risk borrower, which could lead to a lower interest rate on a loan. A low credit score could lead to […]
No Credit Score? What Does It Mean? + 4 Ways To Build Good Credit
If you don’t have any credit history, you may be wondering how your credit score is calculated. While it’s not possible to get a precise score without any credit history, there are some ways to estimate it. Here’s everything you need to know about calculating and building your credit if you have no credit score […]
Public Records On Credit Reports
A public record is defined as any information that has been collected by a government agency about an individual. But what does this have to do with credit reports? Well, it turns out that public records can also appear on your credit report. Let’s take a look at what kinds of public records can appear […]
FCRA Violations: Remedies, Rights, Everything You Need To Know
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that was enacted in 1970 and aimed at protecting consumers’ credit information. The FCRA regulates how credit reporting agencies can use and share consumer data. Despite the act being in place for over 45 years, there are still many businesses that violate its provisions. In […]