A Case of Mistaken Identity In an intriguing twist of fate, Richard Williams, a Florida resident, found his life entwined with another man named Ricky Williams. Their lives, however, were not connected by choice or coincidence but by a glaring error made by a consumer reporting agency, First Advantage Screening. Richard, who had no criminal […]
Understanding Mixed Files Issue in Credit Reports: A Comprehensive Guide to the FCRA Law
Credit reporting plays a pivotal role in the financial life of every American. It determines everything from eligibility for loans to the rates of interest one pays. However, credit report errors such as the mixed files issue can wreak havoc on a person’s credit report. This article explains the mixed files issue in credit reports […]
Facebook Identity Theft: What You Need to Know
Facebook is a popular social media platform with over 2 billion active users worldwide. This makes it a prime target for identity thieves. Facebook identity theft can occur in several ways, including: Phishing scams: Phishing scams are emails or messages that appear from Facebook but are actually from scammers. These emails or messages may ask […]
The Dark Side of Background Checks: A Case Study of CoreLogic National
In the modern age of digitization and automation, businesses and organizations have started to leverage technology to streamline their operations, including the hiring process. The background check is an integral part of this process, a critical tool used to check an applicant’s credentials and criminal history. However, implementing these checks has not been without controversy, […]
Is Identity Theft a Felony?
Identity theft is a serious crime that can ruin your financial and personal life. In some cases, identity theft can also be a felony. Here is a look at identity theft, how it can be a felony, and how you can protect yourself. What is Identity Theft? Identity theft is when someone steals another person’s […]
Wells Fargo Background Check Controversy: A Tale of Neglected Rights and Corporate Oversights
In 2014, a single man took on a banking giant in a battle that would draw the nation’s attention to the overlooked details in employment practices. Terrell Manuel, a hopeful job applicant, became a beacon of justice when he sued Wells Fargo, one of the largest banks in the United States. His claim? The bank […]